William S. Wilbanks James G. Wilbanks MD


I greatly enjoy hearing from anyone interested in their Wil(l)banks family history and genealogy. I will be most happy to help you if I can, and am willing to share what I have. It may be that I do have some information that may be of benefit to you.

However, . . .

First, please review this website thoroughly, and come back and check it regularly. I hope to eventually make this website provide as much Wil(l)banks information as possible.

If you still need help, then please feel free to e-mail me. I will need more details regarding your specific lineage. This is important. Only then can I more effectively help you. I will cross check what you send and compare it with my files. At the very least, I will need your contact information, possibly including your postal mailing address, so that I can send you any materials and information specifically related to your lineage that I find. What do you know about your Wil(l)banks lineage? Who are your ancestors? When you send me all that you know, in a brief outline format, then I will dig through my files and send you what I find.

Robert M. Wilbanks IV

Postal Mailing Address:
PO Box 12696
Casa Grande, AZ 85130-0659

Cell Phone (Verizon):


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©2012-2013, Robert M. Wilbanks IV, Scottsdale, Arizona